Saturday, February 7, 2015

252th Mid Valley TMC Meeting

By Daniel Lim

It probably wouldn’t come as a shock to you that a UK research found that most sick leaves are taken on Mondays. As to why Monday is a particularly moody day, well, it’s pretty obvious that we’d end up a bit down when returning to work, especially after a fun and rested weekend. In reality, the real reason may be more than meets the eye. Fortunately for us, there are a few simple things we can do to help minimize the ill effects of Monday Blues.

Rule no 1# Have Something To Look Forward To On Monday Nights and to me, it’s attending Toastmaster Club Mid Valley Meeting. Being the 252th meeting and it’s the first meeting of the year 2015 for Mid Valley TMC, the theme is – No Limits. 

It’s indeed a fruitful meeting which allow me has a powerful kick start by gaining new insight out of each project speaker. I started to pick up routine jog the next day after the meeting, I’ll tell why later in the blog.

As always, Toastmaster members and guests arrived to Cititel Hotel 5th level 5 by 6.00pm, which is a good time to mingle around and get to know each other by juice up some conversation while having simple yet delectable Fried Rice and Fried Noodle being served. At 6.57pm,  SAA TM Ivy started to get all the enthusiastic members and guests in to the meeting room.

The first meeting of the year started off with Presidential Speech by ever charming "Princedent" Shim Chee Loon. There are total of 25 attendees in the cozy meeting room, 21 awesome Toastmaster members and 4 great guests. After a round of self introduction by members and guests, here come a specky and prolly the bubbly'st girl  I've ever met - and she is non other than TM Siew Lai Yee as the Toastmaster of The Evening role, she came out a brilliant idea on introduce TMC origin by using presentation slide, which i think she deserves a big Kudos.  Lai Yee follow by introduced all the Role Players for the night. GE of the 252 meeting is TM Chin Yeow Honn, he came with a box of mouth watery cookies. Again, a big thanks to his courtesy, small gesture often can goes a long way. TM Mi Shan as a Grammarian, i go deeper of feminism because of her. Last but not least, ever pose with poise speak with elegance TM Yeap Wei Leeng done his long journey to far far away and back to TMC Mid Valley to take up Time Keeper role where he said there is a limit of time although the theme is - No Limit. 

The meeting turn into exhilarating ambiance the minute a cute guy TM Chong Chee Siong take the floor as a Table Topic Master, he never fail to project a sense of shrewd and uplifting image under his "Cute skin". The first speaker brave enough to volunteer himself to take up the impromptu speech is a member of Toastmaster Mid Valley club, TM Ryan Ting, we all are so excited the heartthrob wannabe Ryan back to the meeting after his missing in action for last meeting, we cant really explain why just one meeting absent make us feel he has left us for long period, maybe we too miss him. The second speaker of impromptu speech is TM Timothy Nagapapa, he is the one who got me believe that the hearsay within the club, he who could paint as Pablo Picasso with his words. The third and fourth speakers goes to guest of the night handsome Dylan and Kenneth. At the end of the meeting, the Best Table Topic Speaker award went to TM Timothy.

The night has came to it climax by the most anticipated prepare speech session. There are 4 speakers, from novice to full fledge season speaker. 

Firstly start with biblical Eve Chong who deliver her virgin Ice Breaker speech - Up and Down
She shared her up and down experience in her life by emphasis without the down part of ones life, you will not aware the "Top of the world" feeling on the up part. She also share a Chinese idiom, Failure is the mother of success. Where Up and Down not just illustrate her teenage and young adult life, but also her job as a dealer representative in RHB investment bank, she experience Up and Down roller coaster experience practically on daily basis by looking at stock market index and investor sentiment. 

Second speaker goes to ever calmed, poised TM Kow Chee Khon (4th Yer), his prepared speech is CC#2 Live A Better Life with Butt. He start the speech by asking what is exactly the purpose of butt, and it's indeed triggered the curiosity within the room and successfully captured audience attention. The correct answer is running. Kow also advocate audience in the house for not abuse the butt by not running. He stated two main reason people dont are first, TOO BUSY, Second, TOO STRESS, he gave a motivation example that US President Barrack Obama runs average 45 mins daily amid his BUSY and STRESSFUL routine. Kudo to TM Kow, i get my ass back in to running the next day of your speech.

Third speaker is TM Ivy Chang, her voice is ever loud and clear, she is doing her project speech 7# Couchsurfing. Christy start her speech by asking how to get free accommodation while travelling, and of course the answer is Couchsurfing, frankly,  i had no idea what is couchsurfing until speech was given by Christy, the key objective of this initiative is to bring together the like-minded traveller who wants to travel like a local and to promote authentic culture exchange. Thanks Christy, I'll definitely try Couchsurfing one day in near future. 

Fourth speaker has the expertise notion about brand, being a brand expert, Ian as usual, dress the part for the meeting by suit up, stand straight, articulate ideas clearly, all hail to TM Ian Lai to deliver his project speech #9 It's Never Too Late, Ian begin his speech asking how many of the audience in the room has make New year resolution, he shares a interesting research that showing 90% people will forget the new year resolution in just three days time. And in his speech, the core message to deliver is punctuality, and remind that we all often has a tendency being late on our own resolution, and he shared a useful way for all the audience to bring back time to think on our feet, who are we to our closest one, to career and to friends, write it on the sticky paper that are provided and stick it at the mirror.

After all the insightful information and knowledge from the speakers, we get into cheerful mode as TMC Mid Valley culture, a delectable secret recipe cake will be served every second meeting of the month. We have approximately 10 mins refreshment time. 

When the time came to the last session of the toastmaster event, Evaluation are did by experienced and season speakers TM Ang Chee Yong on the table topic, TM Carmun Chong being the evaluator for Eve Chong, TM Wong Woon Pen being the evaluator for TM Kow Chee Khon, TM Timothy Nakayama being the evaluator for Christy Chang and last but not least is the voted the best Evaluator TM Sharm Siva who is evaluator for TM Ian Lai.

All in all, i felt i have gain a lot by attending Toastmaster meeting. The wonderful part of toastmaster event is not how great the speaker are, or how tremendous insightful of the speech being delivered, to me, it's the community of who spend time to attend the meeting and spend effort to make the meeting happen, at here, we all have a same goal to improve public speaking skill, to advance in life by honing leader skill, in toastmaster community, there are loads of encouragement, louder and extremely good platform to learn public speaking yet can have the upside by get to know new friends who like-minded as your. Although i just deliver my first project speech cc #1, i already can feel confidence toward public speaking. I must show my highest gratitude to whom who came out the Toastmaster ideas, and to the Mid Valley TMC exco who spend lots of effort to keep the club rolling, last but not least, for those havent visit Toastmaster club before, feel free to pay TMC Mid Valley  a visit, It'll worth every minute spent. You have my word. Adios

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Good morning fellow toastmasters and guest.

I'm Daniel, most of the people associate My name to celebrity, Korean Heartrob Daniel Henney, English actor Daniel Craig, and yes,
not to forget my idol, Hong Kong actor Daniel Wu.

Ladies and gentlement, so when all the speeches are finished then come to the time for you vote for best speakers,
just happen that you cant remember other speakers name, Daniel is a catchy name for you write in the small little piece of paper.

IDEA #1 Fertilize Process
Do you know all of us is a MIRACLE,
Do you know what make you a MIRACLE,
And the answer to that, is not difficult to find,
The Miracle happened when every single of us came to life
Which mean we are the one who claim the victory among few hundreds million peers in a very challenging fertilize process.

IDEA #2 Dont Give Up
As Im standing here now is i have overcame the incredible odds. But, very often, i forgot, I am The MIRACLE especially
life aren't go the way i want.

There are moments in life, we have the tendency to stop believing and give up when it seem its the end of the road.

Raise your hand if you think the current goverment of the country is the end of the road.

Dont give up, Nelson Mandela took many years of his life in Prison to make changes on his country, and we have Anwar now.

When you give up, is very difficult to witness the fruit of victory.

IDEA #3 Story of myself
I can remember when i was at my teenage life, there are two thing i always hope to see it materialize
Firstly, my dad could own a family car, during my primary school, i always admire my little schoolmate are fetch by their parents in car,
i dont know why, i feel more secure and doesnt have to worry about rainy days, and accident inside car.
Secondly, i could have my own room so that i can have a little privacy of myself. I was sleeping with my sis and brother during the old days.

Fresh in mind, when in my young age, i have no confidence on myself, my dad and my mom get into arguement very often.
I made a wish to myself, i want to achieve two miracles in my life as soon as possible.

With the absolute drive to realise my ambition, i enroll myself directly to UM/ University Masyarakat after graduated from SPM,
With short period of time, i bought my very first car, KELISA at my age of 18. Ive change it to bigger car in two years time, to a Proton Gen 2,
which i think is the one of the biggest decision i hope i did not made it back then. I took many years to get rid of the proton

Then i realise my second Miracle, i have bought my very first double terrace house at my age of 26 which where im staying now,
and two years later, i bought another Service Condominium in Kuchai Lama.

And each time i arrive my house, lying on my cozy bed with a 950 threadcounts bedsheet, listening to IL Divo music,
i am grateful that i did not give up but believe MIRACLES will happen in one day. What even better, i could listen to IL Divo music sometimes with my significant half.

IDEA #4 The light at the end of the Tunnel

I have to send to Gratitude to FACEBOOK founder Mark Zuckerberg, because of his able to make Miracle FACEBOOK happened,
i could easily found my mentor IAN LAi through MidValley Toastmasters FB page.

I want finish my ICE Breaker speech by Albert Einstein qoute, There's only two ways to live your live, One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Sunday, August 3, 2014



Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Record High Sales Achiever

When June is still freshly in mind, July says Hello which hit hard on my head. 

Today, i get to know my sales for June-14 been hitting record high in my company history for an individual. While i somewhat not extraordinary happy with this exceptional result, perhaps i can foresee that these coming few months gonna be challenging due to several reasons, of course, as i always believe in, the ship not gonna sink as long as there is not leaking. So i will keep staying positive, do what has to be done. 

July-14 Priorities

Career :
-Maintain good sales momentum with existing clients, and focus to build new clients to cushion competitive market condition

Monthly objective : 
-Begin my ass learn to master my english command by two simple steps, first follow up tone by watching two english drama. Second, seize chance to communicate with foreigner

Family :
-Have dinner with parents weekly whenever im not travel outstation

Monetary :
-Reduce spending, rekindle the passion to property investment although i have no fund now. A piece of thought worth time thinking, Owning property in KL upscale address Mont Kiara had just came to my mind this morning, perhaps i should do some study to gauge whether if it a feasible move.

-Start to identify good and potential area for future optical business venture. 

-Nothing much in my mind now. Maybe i rather improve myself as a whole first. 

Body & Mind:
-Been push up 120 repetition daily basis. Good to maintain, just need little bit more effort on diet part.
-Read relentlessly to my mind exercise. Oblige to read article, or any helpful reading material on daily basis. 

Quote of the day
"People often say motivation doesn't last long, well, neither does bath, that's why we recommend it daily." Zig Ziglar

Friday, June 6, 2014

How to Become a Millionaire by Age 30

Although im a little late for this but still i would like to strive for it! 

Here are the 10 steps that will guarantee you will become a millionaire by 30.
1. Follow the money. In today’s economic environment you cannot save your way to millionaire status. The first step is to focus on increasing your income in increments and repeating that. My income was $3,000 a month and nine years later it was $20,000 a month. Start following the money and it will force you to control revenue and see opportunities.
2. Don’t show off -- show up! I didn’t buy my first luxury watch or car until my businesses and investments were producing multiple secure flows of income. I was still driving a Toyota Camry when I had become a millionaire. Be known for your work ethic, not the trinkets that you buy.
3. Save to invest, don’t save to save. The only reason to save money is to invest it.  Put your saved money into secured, sacred (untouchable) accounts. Never use these accounts for anything, not even an emergency. This will force you to continue to follow step one (increase income). To this day, at least twice a year, I am broke because I always invest my surpluses into ventures I cannot access.
4. Avoid debt that doesn’t pay you. Make it a rule that you never use debt that won’t make you money. I borrowed money for a car only because I knew it could increase my income. Rich people use debt to leverage investments and grow cash flows. Poor people use debt to buy things that make rich people richer.
5. Treat money like a jealous lover. Millions wish for financial freedom, but only those that make it a priority have millions. To get rich and stay rich you will have to make it a priority. Money is like a jealous lover. Ignore it and it will ignore you, or worse, it will leave you for someone who makes it a priority.
6. Money doesn’t sleep. Money doesn’t know about clocks, schedules or holidays, and you shouldn’t either. Money loves people that have a great work ethic. When I was 26 years old, I was in retail and the store I worked at closed at 7 p.m. Most times you could find me there at 11 p.m. making an extra sale. Never try to be the smartest or luckiest person -- just make sure you outwork everyone.
7. Poor makes no sense. I have been poor, and it sucks. I have had just enough and that sucks almost as bad. Eliminate any and all ideas that being poor is somehow OK. Bill Gates has said, "If you’re born poor, it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor, it is your mistake."
8. Get a millionaire mentor. Most of us were brought up middle class or poor and then hold ourselves to the limits and ideas of that group. I have been studying millionaires to duplicate what they did. Get your own personal millionaire mentor and study them. Most rich people are extremely generous with their knowledge and their resources.
9. Get your money to do the heavy lifting. Investing is the Holy Grail in becoming a millionaire and you should make more money off your investments than your work. If you don’t have surplus money you won’t make investments. The second company I started required a $50,000 investment. That company has paid me back that $50,000 every month for the last 10 years. My third investment was in real estate, where I started with $350,000, a large part of my net worth at the time. I still own that property today and it continues to provide me with income. Investing is the only reason to do the other steps, and your money must work for you and do your heavy lifting.
10. Shoot for $10 million, not $1 million. The single biggest financial mistake I’ve made was not thinking big enough. I encourage you to go for more than a million. There is no shortage of money on this planet, only a shortage of people thinking big enough.
Apply these 10 steps and they will make you rich. Steer clear of people that suggest your financial dreams are born of greed. Avoid get-rich-quick schemes, be ethical, never give up, and once you make it, be willing to help others get there too.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Impromptu Speech Tips

P : Point—State your point to the question.
R : Reason—State a reason why you raised your point.
E : Example—Give an illustration which supports your above-mentioned case.
P : Prep—Which leads us to the next point.
By employing this strategy, you “daisy-chain” your response to the table topics and could speak endlessly about the topic given to you.
Topic : Is Batman is more intelligent than Superman ? Elaborate on your answer.
Point : I believe with great conviction that there is incontrovertible evidence that Batman, the caped crusader demonstrates a much greater intellect than Superman, the Man of steel.
Reason : One of the reasons is that Batman, having no supernatural powers, relies solely on his wits and technology whereas Superman is blessed with the powers of flight and superhuman strength.
Example : In the latest confrontation with the Joker, Batman outsmarted the Joker by causing the Joker to slip on a banana peel and fall into gigantic toilet bowl. The latest comic shows Superman beheading Lex Luthor with a casual flick of his index finger and sending his head into planetary orbit.
Point : Which brings us to the question of Superman’s brutality that which could only be found in basest of primates.
And so on and so forth…
Let’s have a harder example,
Topic : If there is a Statue of Liberty in the east coast of the United states. Please explain the significance of building a Statue of Responsibility on the west coast.
Point : Liberty without responsibility will result in chaos and anarchy.
Reason : While a Nation like the United States may find comfort in truth, justice and the American way, the lack of responsibility will find justice very elusive indeed.
Example : While the “Land of the free” could brag about the freedom of speech in their society, can a Caucasian ever have the freedom to utter the words “nigger” without reprisal or litigation in New York or death in the Bronx ?
Point : Which leads us to the point where by the liberties of a society is limited by the responsibility exercised by it’s citizens.
For Intermediate speakers : Speech frameworks
The PREP technique is all it takes to survive a gruesome one to two minute table topics session, but for longer speeches, the constant use of this framework, could put the most attentive speakers to sleep. Intermediate speakers consider the following frameworks which could be constructed to supplement their speeches. If the speaker’s level of proficiency were a pimple it’d turn dark and purple at this stage.
Three of the most commonly observed frameworks are highlighted here.
a) Basic framework
This style begins by an introduction to the subject matter, a definition to the problem and plenty of sign postings which guide the listener to the actual body of the speech. The body of the speech contains about 2 to 3 PREP cycles which reinforces the point the speaker wishes to make. And the speaker concludes the speech by a call to action or reaffirms his stand on the subject matter. The speaker would usually employ the phrases “First of all”, “Secondly” and “Finally” to break his speech down into logical components.
b) Pros/Cons Framework
This framework considers a yes/no problem like “Should abortion be banned in Singapore”.The speaker then proceeds to use the “On one hand…”and the “On the other hand…” in the speech body to consider both sides of the coin, then the speaker concludes by taking a stand and giving the reasons why one case is stronger than the other.
Caution : Practiced wrongly, the speaker will seem to be indecisive at a taking a stand so be sure to make one case weaker than the other.
c) Chronological
This framework applies to questions where historical examples be used to reinforce the points the speaker has to make. Questions like “Is the feminist movement still relevant in modern society today?” The speaker could begin the body of the speech by using the words “In the past,,,” and then subsequently use the words “Now times have changed…” and even take the opportunity to contemplate the future by considering “Perhaps in the near future we would be able to…”
Advanced speakers : Unique Selling Propositions
The greatest speakers have something special which distinguishes them from other speakers in that they are unique and offer something to the listener be it hope, joy or enlightenment. At this point, you should think of Marilyn Monroe who has that pout which made her a legend or Jennifer Lopez’s….errrrmmm….beautiful face.
Here are the possible things advanced speakers do to make their speech truly memorable.
a) The Flirt : Charm the audiences by enforcing a personal stake in the presentation.
Many impromptu speakers flirt with the audience and end up with most of the awards when the event is over. This technique keeps the audience riveted by picking on someone from the audience – this creates a personal atmosphere. Occasionally, if a roast becomes inappropriate when used on someone else, the speaker would often employ himself/herself as subject matter.
A Microsoft salesman in a technical conference had probably made arrangements with a fellow employee to seek permission to use him in a speech delivery would begin by saying “Suppose our friend, here James, is feeling naughty and decides to do this to the operation system because he does not want his boss to see these pictures…”, it makes the audience attentive and brings a human dimension to the speech.
b) The Laugh-a-minute : Just employ humor over and over again
Everybody likes a jokes or two, so long as the joke is politically correct and does not involve a pair of donkeys and a beautiful princess. ( you are supposed to laugh at this point…)
When employing this technique, the speaker uses humor, his improvisation and some jokes he heard in the past and blends it in his speech. Puns could be used as well if it is tasteful in nature.
“He is arguably the best public speaker in this club. To say that he is the best public speaker would lead to a heated argument. “
“Urggh !!! It was so bad, a bed-ridden quadriplegic in an intensive care unit could play the piano better than her daughter did !!! “
c) The fountain of knowledge : Tap into books for knowledge and wisdom
The problem with “knowledgeable” people is that they seldom possess the right skills to package the information to make it interesting, this technique is therefore risky at best. The speaker has to read widely and possess special skills, here are a series of leads which could allow a speaker to dazzle the audience with his showmanship and knowledge.
- Quotes
A speaker always has a arsenal of 20 or so quotes which can be used for most occasions.
- Ancient philosophy
The speaker should focus on general themes which could only be covered by such a subject matter like Happiness, Decisiveness, Friendship, Wisdom. The occasional reference to a philosopher like Socrates could reinforce the point made in a speech. It would also be useful to understand that people have begun thinking about the same questions that we have
- Business / Management
For working audiences the occasional reference to Peter Drucker or Bill Gates may be used to show how well informed you are. More importantly, many motivational speakers tend to give jaded audiences the impression that they lack solid content in their presentations.
- Great Literature
Another general field which demonstrates how people behave in interesting circumstances. Ralph Waldo Emerson is probably the most misquoted writer in the Toastmasters movement. The poet/philosopher has written widely in topics like “Self-Reliance”, “Love” . The ever popular William Shakespeare has written works which paints a pictures of the human condition in various circumstance in many of his Great works.
- History
The ability to remember a date will be viewed favorably by a discerning audience. More importantly the ability to relate the various events which happened in the past with some degree of accuracy would mean that the audience would be informed of history, thus, ensuring that “history does not repeat itself”.
We’ve covered some fundamental aspects of impromptu speaking to an audience and reviewed some techniques found within the Toastmaster movement. We examined the various frameworks that could be employed for different forms of questions and we finally considered some means to make the impromptu speech a memorable one.
If you, kind reader, would like to have just a summary of this entire article, I guess I could only conclude that impromptu speech could be trained. Whether you are a novice, expert or guru, there would always be room to develop a new technique or style to dazzle the audiences in the next club meeting.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Horse and Foot

Fruitful April?

3rd week of April-14.

It seems like a Fruitful week to me. A relatively stunning start for week as Eyes Time verbally agreed to sign a IT2 deal by commit 480k business deal across 5 years time.

Follow by 90% close deal rate on offering ZEISS new product Digital Lenses package, 8 out of 9 clients had signed up the package which sort of boosting the on fire momentum. Its definitely a potent for maintaining higher self esteem.

There is another half a million business deal to close on tomorrow. To make a beautiful landing for this potential one of the remarkable week of the year, im gonna rush back to KL from JB tonight to make it happen.

Ever since i graduated from secondary school back in 2001. 13 years i had been working in the optical industry, i think is time for me to invest in optical retail business, is time for me to structure out and leverage my experiences in this field to pave the road for better future. Met up with a client in Bt Pahat on this Tuesday, after nearly half a year they operate the shop, i find their concept is just decent for current market scenario of running an optical business, i spoke to him and his interior design cum his GF, they are both interested to invest in KL with the same concept.

In the year of horse, is time to catch the ride get going toward a prosperous journey.


Time frame : Materialize within 2 years from now
Location : Survey around KL matured, Up and coming area.
Connection : Tracing, Inspecting, Leverage


"Ships are safe in the harbour, but this is not what ships are built for"

All I live for is now
All I stand for is where and how
All I wish for are magic moments

As I sail through change
My resolve remains the same
What I chose are magic moments

Because ships are safe in the harbour
But that is not what ships are made for
The mind could stretch much further
But it seems that is not what our minds are trained for

We call for random order
You can't control Mother nature's daughter

Ships are safe in the harbour
But that is not what ships are built for

The witch hunter roams
The scary thing is that he's not alone
He's trying to down my magic moments

As we sail through change
Ride the wind of a silent rage
And sing laments of magic moments