Friday, October 15, 2010

You always have something more to give

I think it would be fair to say that before I joined the army, I didn’t really know my limits. These days, very few of us have ever been really uncomfortable, really tired or really in pain. The mind starts to play tricks on you when you get to extremes -- it tells you that you can’t go faster, can’t keep running, can’t push through the barrier, but you almost always can. Knowing that you have that capacity somewhere inside you not only gives you confidence in whatever it is you’re doing, it’s the difference between success and failure and, for soldiers, often life and death. Dig deeper into your reserves, you’ll be surprised what you have in there.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Langkawi @ Here i come

Thanks again to AirAsia low cost airfare.. This time we r heading to Langkawi island, an island where liquor is total tax free.. Roy just done the booking by his credit card.. Travelling date set to 10th May - 13th May.. 4days 3 nights! Looking forward..

Wise Old Man?

An old gentlemen appear from out of nowhere when im working with my computer, he start telling his history about his roller coaster life, and i get the crucial point of his story he wanted to deliver.. Think Big and work f**king hard on it! I thought he's a weired old man at the beginning and im like kind of defensive he is some sort like ask me to join multi-lever company.. But he left without asking my phone but a quote " Work hard kid, keep up the good work, you will be where u want to be"

Friday, October 8, 2010


Browsing own old days pictures, discovered there are bunch of changes. Few years back Friday night time was preparing for night chill out, where now im in starbuck preparing to fetch her home.

Life change you or you change life...
Perhaps i guess it is all about give and take,
And time will prove it.