Thursday, August 28, 2008

Want U Day

Have been writting few blog before but never write it in the routine, i thought that was a nice idea, so this time give it a try. I took notes on what i was doing and when and here are the results:

Wednesday August 27, 08

10.30am Yen text msg wakes me up, is a put stop on my bed lingering sweet time.

11am An interview day for Yen in JT international, Fernee proposed Bean & Bread as a Pre-Interview thingy there while filling up our nearly empty stomach..

12pm Reach mid-valley, im the chauffeur today, gosh, but the lousy one, lol, all due to extra 40 mins to arrive Manulife Damansara..

2pm Interview session ended, and came out a whinner mumbling on the lame 101 Question interview.. 50-50% Yen can get her long crave 3.5k job, may god bless you, my babe! lolz

3pm The exactly Want-U-Day begin with free Parking entrance in One Utama.

4.30pm To ease Yen de whinner heart broken interview blue.. a nice chocolate drinks will do, cool hangout at Chocolate Cafe with Haagen Dazz ice cream waffle..

5.10pm The Lingery Girl, poor catch up!! haha!! although is kind of sexy movie but just lame!

6.50pm bravo.. movie finished...

7.20pm Satisfy Yen insatiable quest for shopping!! Forever 21, Zara, bla bla blah... u name it, she went it!!!

8.0pm Nearly faint, reason is whole no rice intake!! haha!! im the Lim Rice Bowl!!~ Came across Tepanyaki! my belly cant help to dine in!!~ Poor yen just went it 2 days back! who cares, at least Danny wont care, expect he belly is on fire!~

9pm never save a penny but reinstate real piece of traffic jam.. what a day.. lesson gain.. An hours consuming jam ends my budy day..

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


You have been very good, im the issue.

The best girl i could ever ask for, which i never wanted to leave and hurt you for the rest of my life. But things sometimes not just went it way, on the other hand, it sway a lot all the time. Can we name it a test? Perhaps maybe.

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Dream Career

It has been meeting up friends night session lately, it's quite a night for me, catch up with my old teammate, gauge what's new to market, how's everthing going on. Yet, i get the stupid shit inside out, that's when i wanted to change something new in my career, they told me the market is like- im consider one of the most reasonably good dough raker in the business, even the successful shop manager making close wage with mine. While im relentlessly like to execute my Dan's plan, they are like those dogs and cats rain pouring on the Burning jungle, im the man with belief and faith, i was like the invincible flaming jungle, trying to convince them my path to the bigger exertion road rather than staying in the so-called comfort zone. The jungle which packed with ideas and plans stood his ground for this time, the real faith onto his belief. At least, it was no one to blame although it failed when it's huge room of opportunity to grasp, but almost 99.9% for sure, i'll blame myself for not trying every bit of my effort to carry it out. The road might be a bumpy ride, somehow i can see the satisfiying victory ahead is waiting for me, it might be vague now, somehow i can visualize it, feel it, even i felt myself is touching it. Which one you like to take, a comfort place where has not much exertion can go but stable atmosphere when you're only 24. Or out of comfort zone, but the exertion limit is can reaching the sky or even fly through the tallest world, it depends what you want to achieve. Believe is the thing! Miracle will come! that's Rmarkz Dan's mottot! GO FOR IT!!!

Getting The Career You Want

People often tell themselves that they are pretty well off, but they don't realize that a little vision can make their careers much more interesting and fulfilling.

do what you want to do

We see it all the time in the e-mail sent by readers at; "I like my job; it pays well and I like the people." Not to take the importance away from one's salary and co-workers, but one should be driven in their line of work and enjoy doing it. Many people will often settle for the first available position that comes along. They don't continue searching for better, available positions. There is always a position better suited to your needs, which can advance your career. It simply needs to be recognized and pursued.

Getting along with co-workers will certainly make your day more pleasant, but it's not enough to make your career interesting. What happens if these co-workers decide to change jobs or relocate to another city? Are you going to like your job less because they are gone? You have to consider that working is what you're going to be doing for about 30-35% of your adult lifetime. Don't count on others to make your job worthwhile. Only you can be the source of long-term motivation in your professional career.

  • The key is to always take advantage of opportunities. You may get only one chance at that dream job that will pay you a six figure salary, and getting ahead usually means that you must constantly keep your eyes open and use good judgment to seek out these possibilities.

how to do what you want to do

A quick tip for evaluating your job is to take some time every year to write down its pros and cons, as well as what would make your career more rewarding. Writing down your strong points will help guide you towards the best possible job suited for your qualifications. All this being said, the key to getting the best job is to constantly put yourself out there . When a company takes on a new employee, the company is investing in that person and wants to get the biggest bang for its invested buck . Since companies don't follow the first come first serve rule, expose and market yourself because if they don't know you, then they won't hire you.

  • Getting around will allow you to build an efficient network. Meeting people is the most important aspect of getting what you want. This applies to both your professional and personal life.
  • These occasions arise at every time of the day and in various locations like coffee shops, cafeterias and parking garages. A fitness club is also a great place to meet people because it's a setting that welcomes small conversation.
  • Always have a thirty second introduction of yourself in order to gain possible contacts that you're meeting for the first time. Be prepared at all times.

filling up your rolodex

People that are part of your network should not be referred to as "contacts" mainly because of its connotation. Contacts are usually viewed as people who can grant you favors. When you talk to these contacts , especially for the first time, ask for information, not a job or favor. Although you are not looking to become best friends with these people, you want them on your side. Remember, people are usually looking to network with you as much as you are with them.

  • Setting up a network of key people does not come easy. Like everything else, it requires time and effort.
  • The most important point is to start somewhere.
  • Remember that everybody is a friend of a friend of a friend, and that somewhere along the line, someone knows one of those friends.

do what you do best

Fulfillment comes from motivation . These are the wise words that a business professor revealed to me in college. As long as you are doing what you enjoy and what you're good at, you'll be fine. Of course, you can take on a job just for the money, but is that really what you want to do? No. You want to be one of those people who is happy to wake up in the morning and go to work. Why? Because these people don't consider their work to be work.

Everything comes in due time. Finding out what a person does best and what they will enjoy doing for the next 40 years takes some consideration.

  • Like one of the founders of said: I was in my mid-twenties when I realized what I wanted to do with my life . Working many jobs and getting diverse experience in many fields is not a waste of time; it simply means that you are fine-tuning your search by eliminating the line of long-term work that is not suited for you. Think of it as an investment where you profit from the compounding interest.
  • Many times, jobs will be offered to others that are probably not as qualified. Why? Probably because they showed more interest and willingness to learn. Wanting to learn, as well as ongoing personal professional advancement, is a major factor in the hiring process.
  • Employers want employees to be knowledgeable, but they also need to see a thirst for constant improvement. These are motivated companies with big goals and they want the employees to fit this mold.

To sum up, it's imperative to keep an open mind about professional possibilities and opportunities out there. The perfect job may be just around the corner waiting for you...

Successful networking

One of the best ways to keep yourself going in life is to constantly have new challenges. A sure way to do so is to have people open doors for you and provide you with opportunities . To ensure this flow of events, you must constantly expand your network of contacts and think of them as a forgotten investment on which you might eventually be able to collect a return.

basic guidelines
Here are some basic guidelines, to help you in your quest to expand your network web, if you are in a "conference type" setting:

  1. When walking into a crowd, the first step is to scan for the right people. A trick here is to arrive a little late so that you can choose the people you want to go hang around.
  2. Meet as many potential contacts as possible and make the most out of these introductions without neglecting the rest of the crowd. Associate yourself with people who know a lot of people.
  3. Always introduce yourself in a well spoken manner and create a personal bond by shaking the other persons hand. Remember that people form an opinion of you within the first 15 seconds of meeting you, and the introduction stage is of critical importance.
  4. Talk about yourself to emphasize your strong points and to look good, without hogging the conversation. Remember that nobody likes a showoff . Exude confidence, not cockiness.
  5. It is important to ask questions and listen, since people love to talk about themselves. Find out more than their first name, as this information will always be useful for future reference.

dull chitchat

On the other hand, here are some tips for getting out of a dull and pointless conversation:

  1. Excuse yourself and direct yourself to the bathroom.
  2. Say you are going to refill your drink.
  3. Explain that you will go meet an old friend that you just noticed.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Relationship Money Laws

Whether you're married or are in a long-term relationship with your girlfriend, it's no secret to you that money often proves to be the doom of relationships, in today's materialistic society especially. Issues relating to dollars and cents -- or a lack thereof -- have ruined some of the happiest, fun-loving relationships around. Specifically, pertaining to those indulging in live-in relationships, there are many ways to avoid certain financial downfalls. Be mindful that these regulations become effective the moment the two of you decide to move in together. However, though these laws may prove to be beneficial throughout the entire duration of your relationship, however long that may be, it isn’t necessary to invoke them endlessly or bash her over the head with them every chance you get. Sit down with her and lay down the laws together so that both of you are on the same page. Communication is the relevant issue here, but hopefully you realize that she is much more than your financial partner.Many relationship money issues emerge from the simple fact that couples spend too much time thinking about money and too little time thinking about the things like romance, vacation, family, and building a future together -- and not thinking about money at the same time is very difficult indeed. It’s hard enough trying to find someone you like, let alone having to contend with monetary concerns that can work negatively in the progression of your relationship.

Treat outings as dates; the 3:1 ratio must be applied
We all know that dating is essential to keeping a relationship alive, whether you are married or have recently moved in with your significant othe
  • It's recommend maintaining the 3:1 ratio in your effort to treat dates the same as you did prior to living with each other
  • This rule of thumb simply means that for every three dates you pay for, she should pay for one. Or in today’s world, whoever makes the most money pays for three, the other pays for the next.

Past credit history must be clarified by both parties

There is nothing worse than being blindsided by discovering that your significant other is buried in debt. Discrepancies in one’s history can potentially present problems for your financial future, especially when it comes to making major purchases, like a house.

  • This is something to be clarified prior to moving in with each other, waiting until the appropriate moment to discuss this matter can be difficult
  • If your partner is shy or upset about her credit history, don't push her into sharing everything right away. Talk her through your financial situation and put her at ease

Discussed major purchases before buying

Once the two of you have settled into your nice little love nest you'll see how expenses and the distribution of funds will become all-consuming. But, don’t fret. This doesn’t have to be a big deal. The allocation of funds is extremely important here -- especially if you are still using two separate accounts. Each of you should have your own “allowance,” given on a weekly basis, that can be spent however you wish.

  • When it comes to major purchases, such as televisions, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, etc., be considerate and discuss this with her before the transaction is complete. And we're not just talking furniture here either; that PS3 you've had your eye on.
  • Talk to her before you drop the cash and come home with the surprise. In fact, it may be a good idea to define what exactly constitutes as a major purchase. And this means that anything over that amount should not be purchased unless a mutual decision has been made, no questions asked.

Financial responsibilities must be disclosed

It's not unusual for people to hand over the checkbook to their significant other and leave all the banking responsibilities to one person. However, we feel that no single partner should be the banker or the money cop.

  • Each of you should have a vested interest in how much goes in and out of your accounts. To leave the financial responsibility to one person is irresponsibble.
  • And the designated banker may feel overwhelmed and grow to loathe their responsibilities in the relationship. Therefore, both of you are responsible -- not just one. Relationships are about sharing after all.

Create a vacation/entertainment account

If the two of you decide not to share accounts, we do recommend that at least you create one that is strictly for vacation and entertainment purposes -

  • A joint savings account that you can both add to freely, but not withdraw from unless you both go to the bank.
  • Since income may vary between the two of you, each person is required to put the same percentage of their paycheck into this account, leaving it untouched until an event, outing or date is planned.

laying down the monetary law

Following these tips will not only equip you and your partner with ways to avoid relationship catastrophes, but you will also see how this opens up the lines of communication between the two of you. Being able to discuss your concerns regarding issues such as finances can be extremely difficult at first. Yet, in the long run it will prove to be the wisest and safest tactic you have ever considered in a long-term relationship. Over time, these types of discussions and behavior patterns will become second nature, which allows you and your girlfriend to place your efforts on building and strengthening your commitment and sustaining it in other areas, such as intimacy and romance.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Start Your Day

Starting off on the wrong foot is never an indication that you’re going to have a great day. While it may not unequivocally suggest that there’s some bad omen waiting for you, it certainly has the muscle to throw you off of your game, to scatter your focus and to shake your confidence before you even get out of the gate. That’s why it’s important to start your day right.

Get a head start the night before

Sometimes a surefire way to ruin your day is to wait until the morning to start it. Taking steps the night before can mitigate a number of circumstances that might otherwise torpedo your morning.

  • Set aside 10 minutes the night before to take care of some of that prep work: Figure out what you’re going to wear, set up the coffee machine, make your lunch, go to a local news site and check on the weather forecast or to see if there are any out-of-the-ordinary issues that might tie up morning traffic.

  • While you’re doing this, employ a little visualization. Let your mind focus loosely on the day ahead. Without getting too new age-y about it, take a few minutes to envision tomorrow as an ideal day (in its context), what you hope to do versus what you have to do, what kinds of accomplishments you’ll find satisfying, and what roadblocks you may face. Sometimes the best way to start your day is to start it before you go to sleep.

Update an ongoing task list

It’s often nice to start your day by clearing stuff off of your plate. The head start that you earned the night before should work to free you up to do other things in the morning or at least to give you added time to do them; the additional time is not a reason to sleep in or to make you inefficient. We all have a variety of things to address each morning, whether or not we feel like doing them

  • In an effort to maintain a measured pace, keep an ongoing, easy-to-change task list on an erase board that’s located in a highly visible place, like next to the bathroom mirror.

  • Ideally, you ought to be able to dispense with all of them before moving on to step three, so make certain that they’re short and simple enough to execute (household chores, brief e-mails, etc.) so that they can’t snag you and unexpectedly absorb more time than necessary.

Give yourself some leisure time

It’s a wonder how some men start their days by getting up and doing nothing but prepare for that inevitable departure. Doing so launches your day in a subtle panic at a ferocious clip that leaves no room for error, no time for reflection, no time for a cup of coffee, and no time to browse the paper or a favorite website.

  • Yet, it suggests that no matter what kind of day is ahead of you -- routine, hectic, crazy -- it doesn’t have to start when you get there. It can start on your own time, and at a pace of your choosing.

  • Start your day a half hour earlier than you normally do with the single-minded intention of taking it at a slow, leisurely pace.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Relish Gourmet night

Ms. Lee Chong Chong having her delectable meal in Relish 20080731-
Relish is the gourmet burger outlet at Changkat Bukit Bintang nearby Alor area. Relish combines the freshest and most nutritious food with helpful, friendly service and great value for money. And all set within a funky, yet simple, stylish setting.Relish appeals to everyone from business professionals, backpackers and families to students and ladies who lunch.The concept is simplicity and purity- we take a burger and make it a healthy, tasty meal that entices the whole family.Burgers are the perfect fast food.
A sudden call from Eric and Fernee for joining them a dinner meal in Relish restaurent.
The ambience there is considerably great compares with many others fine dine place.
Foods in Relish Gourmet is mainly compine by Pizza, pasta and Burger. Yen and me was both try thier Pasta and Burger, i would give the food a 9 out 10 since is slilght better than Tony Roma in Sunway. Overall, ambience, Food, beverage, were quite satisfiying. A good fine dine to chill. check it out

Promising? or Confusing life path.

Where should i begin to write in this blog? Deng!@#@ is real confuse when it's overwhelmed by choices, especially when you ask different bunch of friends, gosh, they provided bunch of different comment, which is real confusing too. Alright! let make it clear, in a country, first earn the money, then gain the power and reputated.

  • Marketing job, can goes to highest pay level is bout 12ok annually. But requires to further study certification and people skill. Basic salary with allowance up to 2.5k. More stable income with limitted exertion, work hard. Have slight idea how to begin this job since in the retail for years.

  • REN, can goes to highest pay level is up to million per-annum. But no basic salary. Research shown that average will be 60k Per-annum. Job scope include meeting new peoples, contact with banker, insurant agent, and also lawyer. Get to know more people who might influent your life.

  • Optical line, can goes to highest pay bout 60k per-annum. Stable income for me since i have been in the optical field for approx 6 years, it had a chance to own a shop if possessed UK FBDO eye practitional. It might earn up to 200k per-annum. But it required satisfaction of time in the shop to look after your venture.

tonight, my thought is like, change my current time consuming retail job to another time-free retail job, for the purpose of being a REN partimer while not losing main income. Cos i really like to try it even though there a lot of negative comment of being a REN, reason is the marketplace became dull all due to political un-stable in Malaysia, High rising petrol which causing the inflation. As my motto, Nothing Venture, Nothing Gain. Why not, try it out, instead of whinning when you look back after 10 years. Now just give a try for 3 months. At least get to know new sector of ppls and different life style i might lead it till doom day. Never ever try to flash that tie the knot before you have stable stream of income. A successful knot need successful income to sustain it.