Saturday, August 2, 2008

Start Your Day

Starting off on the wrong foot is never an indication that you’re going to have a great day. While it may not unequivocally suggest that there’s some bad omen waiting for you, it certainly has the muscle to throw you off of your game, to scatter your focus and to shake your confidence before you even get out of the gate. That’s why it’s important to start your day right.

Get a head start the night before

Sometimes a surefire way to ruin your day is to wait until the morning to start it. Taking steps the night before can mitigate a number of circumstances that might otherwise torpedo your morning.

  • Set aside 10 minutes the night before to take care of some of that prep work: Figure out what you’re going to wear, set up the coffee machine, make your lunch, go to a local news site and check on the weather forecast or to see if there are any out-of-the-ordinary issues that might tie up morning traffic.

  • While you’re doing this, employ a little visualization. Let your mind focus loosely on the day ahead. Without getting too new age-y about it, take a few minutes to envision tomorrow as an ideal day (in its context), what you hope to do versus what you have to do, what kinds of accomplishments you’ll find satisfying, and what roadblocks you may face. Sometimes the best way to start your day is to start it before you go to sleep.

Update an ongoing task list

It’s often nice to start your day by clearing stuff off of your plate. The head start that you earned the night before should work to free you up to do other things in the morning or at least to give you added time to do them; the additional time is not a reason to sleep in or to make you inefficient. We all have a variety of things to address each morning, whether or not we feel like doing them

  • In an effort to maintain a measured pace, keep an ongoing, easy-to-change task list on an erase board that’s located in a highly visible place, like next to the bathroom mirror.

  • Ideally, you ought to be able to dispense with all of them before moving on to step three, so make certain that they’re short and simple enough to execute (household chores, brief e-mails, etc.) so that they can’t snag you and unexpectedly absorb more time than necessary.

Give yourself some leisure time

It’s a wonder how some men start their days by getting up and doing nothing but prepare for that inevitable departure. Doing so launches your day in a subtle panic at a ferocious clip that leaves no room for error, no time for reflection, no time for a cup of coffee, and no time to browse the paper or a favorite website.

  • Yet, it suggests that no matter what kind of day is ahead of you -- routine, hectic, crazy -- it doesn’t have to start when you get there. It can start on your own time, and at a pace of your choosing.

  • Start your day a half hour earlier than you normally do with the single-minded intention of taking it at a slow, leisurely pace.

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