The best describe for what's on my mind, surprisingly im kind of enjoy it, alone in the house, pretty fair amount of time for myself, a new way to unwind, put my mind on cruise control, allows me to put off my friends, family, better half momentarily, and i can pick whatever pace i want.
Feel that i get closer to reaching it by increasing my time alone. Independence of mind and lifestyle can lead to productivity and fulfillment. English drama where i hardly watch when she's around, hiking, reading,
sport, and perhaps maybe, learn to dance.
what to do?
Essentially, the idea is to shift focus for a given amount of time. For that period, think of your life as just that -- yours; rather than just a function of interconnected relationships. You don't have to delete everything in your PDA for the day, or even reschedule anything. You can start small, with 15 minutes here or there, and then take an afternoon to yourself when you finally have the chance.
Now, what should you do? Here are some suggestions:
The kind that takes you somewhere, such as jogging, walking and cycling, can be especially refreshing. Barring that, have a nice round of golf, or lift some weights in the gym.
Go for a long drive
Either cruise around the old neighborhood with your favorite CD on, or hit the highway and head for the countryside for a welcomed change of pace.
Check out some cool stuff
Hit the music store, check out some vintage cars or get yourself some tools. If you have any special interests, by all means go crazy and make a solo trip to the SCUBA gear outlet, the hunting supplies store, or the bike shop.
Go to a bookstore
Yes, a novel idea, I know, but fortunately, many bookstores now include coffee shops. So, get yourself a cup of joe, a few magazines and relax while reading.
Find a natural spot
Go to the park or the lake, and find a mellow place where you won't run into anyone you know. Soak in the relaxing surroundings and try thinking about nothing.
Stay home
Order in, take the phone off the hook and do whatever the hell you want. I recommend renting a movie -- you'd be surprised how satisfying it is to finally rent that Vietnam flick your girlfriend always whines about when you suggest it.
Undertake a project
From mowing the lawn to washing your car, go ahead and accomplish something. Best of all, when you've finished, you can enjoy the satisfaction that comes with crossing something off your to do list.
Take in a concert or film
You may be surprised about how enjoyable it is to have only one opinion afterwards -- yours. If you end up checking out a movie or seeing a band for a second time, you might even notice details you've never noticed before.
Get extreme
If you're an experienced outdoorsman, going camping, backpacking, kayaking, or hiking by yourself can be liberating. Just don't do anything too dangerous.
Do something creative
Don't worry about being the next Picasso, but enjoy the sensations of taking photos (preferably nude ones), painting, messing around with a digital camera, or picking up your old oboe from the high school band.
alone but not lonely
Whether you start by taking "the scenic route" to the store or leaving humanity behind for a whole weekend, it's time to start making room in your life for yourself. Stop to think about how the world looks from where you're standing, with no one to block the view.