Friday, January 11, 2013

Breakthrough Challenge

This clip keeps me working at this hour!

Step1: Write all empowering and disempowering emotions you feel weekly. Circle top 2 for each
Step2: For the disempowering ones, identify the antidote (i.e. for fear, replace with courage)
Step3: Practice that emotion. Study what you do to go from scared to strong. Use physiology. Make it a real biochemical change (not easy but work on this)
Step4: Condition it. Do it 4 times a day 7 days in a row

1a. Empowering emotion:

a. I had convinced Hanizah to commit business deal and sign buck order deal. Feel satisfy.
b. Signed commitment with TruView on paperbag commitment scheme.

1b. Disempowering emotion:

a. Feel extremely stress on handle the account that stretch my limit.
b. Bad news from S&V that new branch in NU Sentral had delayed. Means the instrument i had committed 3 units to Paul before April on hanging.
c. 8 days off for Korea trip, lose focus on work cause there are just a lot of works havent finished yet. Main pressure come from.

2. Antidote:
a. Focus and take it as a challenge to stretch my limit. Be organize, plan ahead breakdown by month, week and day.

b. Work out a plan for S&V for 1 i.Terminal and find others 2 by potential ECP. ie: MJ OUG, TruView

c. Remains 6 days before depart to Seoul, make sure settle the on hand task to have a care free vacation.

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