Monday, July 21, 2008

Down the Road

After years of relentlessly hanging in the sedentary working force, the route of oneself life path eventually comes to light, as an kopi oh Manager@Optician for years, i am the finest product of my company can be provided.. (grin) im being sort of exaggerate, the truth is, it's kind of high paid job compares with my peers. Somehow, it's just not even bit satisfy my Dream, try imagin- If you are working the same place in a hassle free, stress free, sendentary and practically not much advancement room can be exerted. Whereas, there is a place for you to exert every bit of yourself, climb the coorporate ladder, acchieve fame, success and else. Of course i choose the latter. Although it require constantly skill upgrade, bigger commitment, longer duration to achieve it, but deep down inside, the pay off is you cant simply judge it, depends on how the aggresiveness, initiative, and motivation to climb the ladder, accross the bumpy ride, wadethrough the swamp and pass the mount!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

NATD LONDON Graduation night

Let me present - here we go - The NATD Graduation night!

Guess what?! They all heavy weight Latin Dancer- National Premier Award..

My Fellow Dance- Pal - Mr. James Onn Gold Lever top Performer

Here we Go! Kath in the House!! NATD HOUSE! Way to go!!!

Center : Henry the Principle, the only foremost Dancer of the nation.

She's gonna kill me if she realized i published this pic! Yes I am!! lmao..
Let me introduce- Ms. Lee Zung Zung in the house!!

The night has rekindle the weak flame which wearing off within my heart,
deep down inside, i'm pondering, i am one of the Performer last year, but due to the time-consuming working schedule, i just have had to put a stop to the Dancing's spirit thingy which i cherish it from time to time. Take a few minutes and imagine, how great it'll be on the dancing floor, savoring the music, wandering around like nothing in your mind but the groovy,sexy,Soothing rhythm take the reins of your next move! It's about the connection with your partner, endless chemistry will carry you away from the hustle and bustle city living pace. You weren't know exactly how's it feel, but whenever you feel it, it's like floating at the midair, you'll be carried away by the sensational rhythm.
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Friday, July 18, 2008

What cause inflation

A variety of inflation measures are in use, because there are many different price indices. Inflation is causing your money to become less valuable, if you do nothing about it.

According to this inflation calculator, based on US CPI
  • What cost $1000 in 1997 would cost $1309.22 in 2007. Also, if you were to buy exactly the same products in 2007 and 1997, they would cost you $1000 and $785.20 respectively.

How to outstrip inflation

Living below your means Human being is a very flexible creature. When the certain products get more expensive, and it finally hurts our wallet, we will be flexible enough to use less of it. You can either

  • buy less of the more expensive stuff, and more of the less expensive stuff. OR
  • let your standard of living fall

Invest for better returns

  • You just have to get your money to work harder, and get a return that’s higher than inflation rate.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Basic Financial Decisions

Taking control of your finances is one the most important things you can do. If you start as soon as your graduate from college, you will be financially ahead of most of your peers. Choosing to be responsible now, and making it a lifelong habit will benefit you in the years to come. Here are some of the basic ways to choose to live responsibly.

  1. The first step to living responsibly is to budget your money.
  2. Although many people have negative feelings towards budgeting, because they feel it is constrictive or controlling.
  3. You should realize that budgeting allows you more freedom.
  4. By choosing where you are going to spend your money before you spend it, you are controlling your future.
  5. Budgeting will help you to save for the future, and stop you from accumulating a lot of debt.
  6. If you do not want to constantly track your expenses, you may consider using an envelope system for your budget.

Finding a Your First Apartment

  1. Once you are finished with school and start your own job, it is important to find housing for yourself.
  2. This will help you to establish job security, and make sure that you like the area that you live in.
  3. You may be ready to have your own apartment without roommates, or you may choose to still have one roommate.

Understanding Your Benefits

  1. You should take advantage of your benefits.
  2. They can help you to save money both on your taxes and in your other bills.
  3. You may be wondering how to make your paycheck stretch a little bit further each month.
  4. You can do this by lowering your taxable income through a flexible spending account.

Managing Your Accounts

  1. Managing your money from day to day is essential to finding financial freedom.
  2. Once you start working you have more flexibility with your money.
  3. You will have more money to spend, and more opportunities to borrow money.
  4. You should take these added opportunities seriously.
  5. If you have accumulated credit card debt while in college you should work on getting out of debt now.
  6. You should also learn how to manage the credit resources that you have available to you now.

Investing for Your Future

  1. The most important thing you can do now is to make your money work for you.
  2. By doing this you can shorten the number of years that you need to work and retire much earlier.
  3. Additionally you will be able to live much more comfortably over the years.
  4. A little sacrifice now will have huge payoffs in the future.
  5. You should remember that accumulating stuff is different than building true wealth.
  6. You should also take the time to learn as much as you can about money and investing.

Friday, July 11, 2008

6 Major Financial Steps of Your Life

  • Whether you are getting married, buying your first home or starting a new job, you will be worried about how this will affect your financial picture. As you approach each of these major life events, it is important to consider the financial side of each situation. You can continue to make great financial decisions, but you may need to adjust your current spending habits in order to reach your new goals.

Getting Married

  1. It is thrilling to begin planning and preparing for the wedding.
  2. After the wedding you will begin your financial life together.
  3. Money is one of the most difficult topics to deal with in a marriage.
  4. It is important to address this issue from the very beginning of your marriage.
  5. Open communication about your finances will help your marriage be successful.

Buying your First Home

  1. Another big and exciting time is when you purchase your first home.
  2. This is a big decision and commitment.
  3. You need to be sure that you are ready to purchase a new home.
  4. Additionally you need to understand the terms of your mortgage.
  5. You should have enough money set aside to cover emergencies home repairs.
  6. It is also important to consider the additional cost of insurance and property taxes.
  7. If you plan carefully you should be able to transition into home ownership easily.

Finding a New Job

  1. After a few years in the workforce, you may be ready to move onto a new career.
  2. You can look for promotions inside your company, or you may look elsewhere to find better benefits and a more lucrative salary.
  3. You want your income to continue to grow, and making the move at the right time is part of that.
  4. You should make sure that you are prepared to make the changes a new job would require.
  5. You can also take additional classes or certification training to make yourself more marketable.

Buying a New Car

  1. A car is necessary in most cities.
  2. If possible you should pay cash for your car, but if you can’t you need to shop for the best loan options available.
  3. Additionally you should be careful on how much you spend on your car, because a payment can limit what you can do in the future.

Get Out of Debt

  1. Once you begin to settle down in the working world, you should get serious about getting out of debt and using your money wisely.
  2. Once you are debt free you can begin to accumulate real wealth.
  3. If you continue to make payments you are limiting what you can do with your money.

Investing Your Money

  1. Additionally you should begin to seriously invest your money.
  2. You will be responsible for your own retirement costs.
  3. Investing is essential if you want to live comfortably and not worry about your later years.
  4. It can also help you pay for your children to attend college.
  5. Investing your money can be intimidating if you do not understand what you are doing.
  6. However, if you find a good financial planner, he should be able to explain everything to you in detail.

What Are Stocks?

Stocks are a share of the ownership of a company. Initially, they are sold by the original owners of a company to gain additional funds to help the company grow. The owners basically sell control of the company to the stockholders. After the initial sale, the shares can be sold and resold on the stock market.

  • If the company does well, or even if everyone thinks the company is going to do well, the price of the stock goes up. This is how stockholders make a return on their investment.
  • Conversely, if the company does poorly, then the shares decrease in value, and the stockholders lose their investment.
  • In addition, many companies give a little dividend payment each year to the stockholders, providing extra income.

What Are the Benefits of Stock Investing for the Individual Investor?

Stock investing is a very good way to take advantage of a growing economy and protect your investments from a declining economy.

  • By following economic indicators, you will know when the economy is growing and when it is declining.
  • You can gradually adjust your investment portfolio, adding more stocks in growth sectors (for example, housing, consumer products, and small businesses) as the economy starts to improve.
  • When the economy starts to decline, that would be a good time to sell some of the growth sector stocks, and possibly purchase bonds or stocks in large corporations.

How Does an Individual Investor Participate in Stock Investing?

There are many ways to participate, each with advantages and disadvantages.

  • Online investing. This is the lowest cost in terms of fees. However, it can be the most risky, since you get little advice, and must educate yourself completely on how to invest.
  • Perhaps the most risk is from the emotional aspect of investing, which triggers greed when the market is doing well, and causes most people to buy stocks when they are the most expensive.
  • Conversely, when the market is not doing well, this triggers fear, causing most investors to sell when the prices are low.
  • Investment clubs. This helps give you more information, and helps to protect you from fear and greed.
  • Financial professionals. This is more expensive in terms of fees, but you do get more information and recommendations, and are better protected from greed and fear.
  • However, you must shop around to select a good financial professional that you can trust.

Selecting which way to invest in the stock market is a personal decision that depends on your comfort with risk, and your ability to spend time learning about the stock market.

U.S. Economy

The Power of the U.S. Economy

Total output for the U.S. economy in 2007 was $13.86 trillion, one fifth of the world's total output. It is also the largest single country economy in the world, although the EU is larger at $14.44 trillion. China is the second largest, at $7.04 trillion and Japan at $4.3 trillion.

  • The power of the U.S. economy is seen in its GDP per capita, which was $46,000 in 2007.
  • Although it is the world's largest economy, the EU's GDP per capita was only $32,900
  • Japan's was $33,800
  • China's GDP per capita was only $5,300 (because they have four times the number of people as does the U.S.)

Think of the incredible economic power it takes to both be the largest economy in the world while producing one of the highest standards of living per person. While other countries, such as Norway and Bermuda, have higher GDP per capita, they aren't also a driver of the global economic engine that the U.S. is.

A Primer on the Role of Supply in the U.S. Economy

Input is basically everything that is used to create the goods and services in the economy, also known as output. The major components of input are

  • Labor, which is the employees who work in the businesses.
  • Capital, which is money used to invest in the businesses that make the output. Money includes cash, stocks, bonds, loans, grants, options. Capital also includes the equipment used to make the output.
  • Natural Resources, which is the raw goods and materials used by the employees to make the output.

Output is everything that is produced. GDP is the common method of measurement of final output. The major components of output are:

  • Products, which include autos, furniture and gasoline.
  • Services, which include healthcare, finance, and housing.
  • Business investment and government spending.

Over 70% of what the economy produces is for personal consumption. Over 40% is for services, with housing (10%) and health care (12%) being the largest components. Another 20% of the total economy output is nondurable goods, such as food (10%), clothing (2.7%) and fuel (2.4%). Durable goods for personal consumption, like autos (3.6%) and furniture (3%) make up 8% of the total economy.
The remaining 30% of the economic output goes to business investment (16%) and government (19%), of which one-third is defense.

How Supply Affects the U.S. Economy

  1. Supply must equal demand.
  2. To make supply equal demand, prices change.
  3. When prices of output declines, businesses eventually decrease supply OR they lower the cost to the output to maintain profit margins OR they go out of business, thus decreasing the output.
  4. Everything else is just very complicated interpretations of these three basic rules.

The Role of Capital in the U.S. Economy Remains Strong

The U.S. has a the world’s most sophisticated stock market and financial sector. The transparency of our stock market allows investors to gain up-to-date information about every aspect of companies in which they might invest.

  • Wall Street attracts the most talented personnel and can afford the most powerful technology.
  • This allows U.S. banks to control billions of dollars in transactions to take place anywhere in the world.
  • It also enables these banks to provide any number of complicated derivatives to provide hedging against risk.
  • This incredible competitive advantage supports a variety of complicated foreign exchange transactions at lower cost.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

How Bond101 works

Most everyone knows that over the long-run, nothing beats the stock market. This being the case, why would anyone invest in bonds?Although they pale in comparison to equities in the long run, bonds have several traits that stocks simply can't match.
  • First, capital preservation. Unless a company goes bankrupt, a bondholder can be almost completely certain that they will receive the amount they originally invested. Stocks, which are subordinate to bonds, bear the brunt of unfavorable developments.

  • Bonds pay interest at set intervals of time, which can provide valuable income for retired couples, individuals, or those who need the cash flow. For instance, if someone owned $100,000 worth of bonds that paid 8% interest annually (that would be $8,000 yearly), a fraction of that interest would be sent to the bondholder either monthly or quarterly, giving them money to live on or invest elsewhere.

  • Bonds can also have large tax advantage for some people. When a government or municipality issues various types of bonds to raise money to build bridges, roads, etc., the interest that is earned is tax exempt. This can be especially advantageous for those whom are retired or want to minimize their total tax liability.

How Do Bonds Interact with the Stock Market?

It is a general rule of thumb that bonds and stocks move in the opposite directions. In other words, when stocks go up in value, bonds go down. This is because stocks generally do well when the economy is booming.

  • When the economy starts to decline, companies’ earnings will drop, and stock prices will plummet -- this is when investors want the safe interest payments guaranteed by bonds.

  • Sometimes both stocks and bonds go up in value at the same time. This is usually because there is too much money, or liquidity, chasing too few investments, as is the case at the top of a market.

  • The second case when some investors are optimistic about the economy’s future, and buying stocks, while others are pessimistic and buying bonds.

How Do Bonds Impact the US Economy?

Treasury bonds impact the economy by providing extra spending money for the government and consumers. This is because Treasury bonds are essentially a loan to the government that is usually purchased by domestic consumers. However, for a variety of reasons, foreign governments have been purchasing a larger percentage of Treasury bonds, in effect providing the U.S. government with a loan.

  • This allows the government to spend more, which stimulates the economy.

  • Treasury Bonds also help the consumer. When there is a great demand for bonds, it lowers the interest rate because the U.S. government doesn’t have to offer as much to attract buyers

  • Lower interest rates on bonds means lower interest rates on mortgages. This allows homeowners to afford more expensive homes.

How Do Bonds Affect Mortgage Interest Rates?

Investors who purchase Treasury note would also be in the market for mortgage-backed. These are the mortgages that banks loan, but rather than hold them for 15 to 30 years, the banks sell the mortgages to the secondary market.

  • Banks generally keep interest rates on mortgages only a few points higher than Treasury notes. Since Treasury notes have no risk, they can afford to offer lower rates.

  • Lower interest rates on U.S. Treasury notes mean lower rates on mortgages. This allows homeowners to afford a larger home, and renters to afford their first home. This increased demand stimulates the real estate market, which stimulates the economy.

  • Lower mortgage rates also allows homeowners to afford a second mortgage, which allows them to purchase more consumer products. This also stimulates the economy.

Rmarkz fav toy

While im about to get annoy for long waiting traffic jam
while on the going to catch a new Fling-John Hancock
This car come-across me, this one is real piece of shit
im going to have one of Hummer h2!

Hummer, H2

The soaring huge giant on my side, really head over heels
with this piece of shit!

But before you buy this Giant toy,
let me share something with you...

here are some hummer info:
full tank:RM 640
road tax :RM 12,xxx
price :RM 700k onwards
rims :RM 15,xxx

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My concern to Public Transport(KTM)

While the gov rake in bunch of extra income by revealing cut off petrol subsidy, We all like hittted by a jolt of thunder, all due to inconsistency words from our Gov. We all know it's surefire petrol price soon will be increased due to Global petrol price hike, some of nation is most likely to succumb to the fact and do a major shift travelling around the city hall, from motorist became a public transport user. And the most disappointment to all the pt user is the inefficiency reaching on time or the worst kind, which most of the nation who precedely can actually reach home earlier and do a good invigorate rest to head on the adverse time,


Thanks to the poor system of Local Commuter Train service(KTM)

  • Most of the pt user force to wait extra 30 to 45 mins for the next train to fetch them home.

  • After the time consuming long wait train is arrived, dont be lighthearted, you might not be able to ride in due to the congested folks who desperately wanted to reach home.

Last but not least, since the Whole grassroot nation is facing the adversary time, we all still deeply belive gov and improve the poor KTM service of the country. Probably this is the most concern for people to choose which people to be the ruling party. We all want the gov could improve our life standard rather than seeing the news which party of people raking in millions of ringgit simply by some inanition project which bring benefit to small amount of beneficiary while Huge amount of nation is raging for a change. It's nobody to blame when you can't delivered better quality of Malaysia. If the gov keep on neglect the Situation now, and not rectify the poor public transport service for every bit of effort, almost for sure, The nation will granted the ruling gov a first class, one-way ticket to the Broken heart city!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Dream

Since i was a very lad, i always dreamming that being an entrepreuner who makes tons of dough by investing in stock, buy and sell company. And ever since the dream is happen, i will contribute back my fortune to the better society. You know, the domino effect of those drama i used to cherish. Anyway, it does not seems an easy thing to play along with, but i have absolute within myself.


It has been a special day for me, my significant half throw tantrum on the matter that i failed to pick up her call while im doing eye-reflaction for my patient. Due to the failured of communication with her significant half, she missed the commuter train service, which put her at the mid of umbrage moods.

As my motto, never let a residue to fester over night. I FIXED it after the screw up. By emphasizing what? the way to revamp this situation of worst kind, is to concentrate on finding solution avoid the same thing happpen, surprisingly, it did not works as i thought this time, unto i against the wall, i ask her- "do you know why?, why im so enjoy the relationship at least for so far we have been together?" and now the cliche is- i enjoy a relationship without much of unnecessarily wrangle. That's exactly why we are cherish the peaceful, understanding, and loving relationship.

The naturalness, the right way to express unhappy feeling is imperative, but it's crucial that we must play it cool instead of raising up guts and volume. We did share a lot of reflect, like she's getting impatience about my time-consuming job requirement, and i did smell a rat months ago. I have to let go the relationship if the situation push against the wall, while i would like to keep her with me. The selfish me think it at this way, but i can't hold on a dazzling girl by merely waiting for me, it's not fair. And i wanted focus exclusively on my future. I had deep belief i will achieve my dream especially when it backed with discipline and enthusiasm. We must never give in even in a bitter rough situation. Hold on your belief, work on it. The man who wins is the man who believe he CAN.

Finally, i get to know one thing, which makes immense impact on the new chapter on my life, my significant half shows that she would cling to me in all situations, regardless how rough it is, we will wade through the swamp. And how could there!!??? ever have a slightest possibility for me to cheat on her??? especially a girl can able to change herself to cope with you!!!!

-Life with a purpose is the most effiecient for you to achieve your dream-
And my dream is you. I sign an agreement to myself, that i will struggle every bit of my will to make my dream happen!

Being The Man

Control your emotions
  1. Men don't burst into tears.
  2. they don't throw emotional tantrums when things aren't going their way.
  3. they take life on the chin; they keep a clear, level head during the good and bad parts of the relationship.
  4. they don't turn problems into insults thrown at each other.

*Not that you should become an emotionless statue. Of course, you have to have feelings and romance in your relationship. The point is balance -- it's about keeping your emotions under control rather than letting them rule you.

Be decisive

  1. Being decisive puts you in the driver’s seat, and shows her you aren't afraid to step up and look after her.
  2. Being decisive is shown in both big and small ways. If she asks you which outfit to wear, don't just shrug.
  3. Even if she makes the choice, some decisiveness can be retained by actively and enthusiastically taking part rather than just doing what you're told.
  4. The appeal of the fact that a strong assertive guy will remain attractive in the long-term.

*This isn't an excuse to become bossy, which should be avoided at all costs. It can even be romantic as you take control and tell her she's having dinner with you tonight.

Be independent

  1. Independence is a must.
  2. While sharing some activities brings you closer together, sharing everything is suffocating.
  3. The old cliché that absence makes the heart grow fonder is true.
  4. If you maintain private parts of your life, you'll both appreciate the times together as well as build attraction rather than boredom.

*She won't want a guy who constantly follows her around, and you don't want to be that guy. Keep your own independent existence by having activities that are separate from her.

Pursue male activities

  1. Make sure you have plenty of time with the boys so you aren't overwhelmed with feminine thoughts and hormones.
  2. Keep up the team sports, the stag nights, watching the football, playing poker... all those activities where guys bond with each other.
  3. Another key is keeping some degree of masculinity to your surroundings.

*Short of banning these entirely, make sure there's enough of your stuff to counterbalance this, so hang on to the PlayStation, that nice sound system and all that sports memorabilia.

How to become stockbroker

Brokers know the complete understanding of the stock market and hold considerable experience in trading in stocks. Thus they are able to give advice and counsel their clients about their investments and carry out transactions at the stock market.

  • You do not need a degree for becoming a stock broker but most of the brokers do have a degree.

  • Initially you need to work with a firm for nearly four months or more to be eligible to give the exam.

  • These two examinations prepare you for getting into the stock market and understand things like terminology, trading, legal aspects, etc.

  • You need to get trained further and take classes and courses for another two years to further enhance your skills and understanding of the stock market. If you wish to stay ahead in the trade, then even after you obtain your license,

  • You need to keep on updating yourself with the latest industry trends and market changes. This would make you the most successful stock broker in the market.

  • You should necessarily possess the business acumen to stand out. You should have strong analytical skills, sharp memory and ability to interpret situations and circumstances.

  • You can also become business analyst, stock accountant, stock market analyst, etc.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Weak dollar going slide

The long slide is fanning inflation at home and playing a major role in the run-up of oil and gasoline prices everywhere.

-Everything made in America - from goods to entire companies - is near dirt cheap to many foreigners.

-Since oil is bought and sold in dollars worldwide, the devalued dollar has made the recent surge in energy prices even worse for Americans, leading to $4 gasoline in the United States. Analysts suggest that of the $140 a barrel that oil fetches globally, some $25 may be due to the devalued dollar.

-The loss of the dollar's purchasing power and international respect has some experts worrying that the euro might one day replace the dollar as the so-called primary reserve currency. And that could trigger a dollar rout as foreign governments and international investors flee from U.S. Treasury bonds and other dollar-denominated investments.
The Federal Reserve could prop up the dollar by increasing interest rates under its control. Increased yields would make dollar-denominated investments more attractive to foreigners. But that could undercut the already anemic economic growth in a frail U.S. economy rocked by soaring fuel costs, falling home prices, rising unemployment, and the lowest reading of consumer confidence in 16 years.

-Some of the dollar's decline depends on hard-to-measure factors, like the psychology of foreign investors.
When the U.S. economy is weakening, many investors stay away. The slide of the dollar has coincided with a long period of relatively low interest rates.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Outside the box

Meet two new people tonight Mamak session at Permaisuri. They were so cool. Gosh, in particular her bf, he's real piece of shit, the first thing he greet me is catch my misleading word, sharp! But the night turn out as jovial chatting about our life path, we all start struggling for better living ever since 24, our natural instinct will keep focus on things can bring us fortune. The fellow, claim that his almost sell his butt for paying over 30 grand as a downpayment for house. We chatted along and share ideas how to generate more incomes, whoa, that's my fav part. I never expect turned two strangers to spontaneous meet up and that was amazing. Real-estate is a way to earn good income but first two years will quite tough to wadethrough as in any other marketing ventures.

Malaysia in chaos

This unusual Chaos night after the mamak session with two of my acquaintant. The headline tonight for is freaking me out. A statutory declaration regarding to Altantuya Shaaribuu murder case link to DPM DATUK SERI NAJIB. First thing to cross my mind was, " that was intersting!!" I once overheard our dpm is full controlled by his bini, he's like the lap dog who sniff her toes. This was a real big hit on En Najib, may Allah be with you. It's gonna be a historical Maestro which will be the new page toward Malaysia history. Tomorrow is also the day the 4 MPs Anwar mentioned that they will announce their defect from BN. Well, we have to wait and see what will happened. As a Malaysian, we all hope the stormy days will soon pass. Lo and behold.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A LMAO blog from Limbilly at TheStar

Today lets read a story, which of sudden born out of my burning imagination:
Long time ago, there was noble and morally right En.Raman which open a small Nasi Kandar stall name Kedai Mali. He started with his friends Ah Cheng and Nathan.
Along with prudent lifestyle and equal business decision, that bloom to become restaurant. About 30 years, in business finally the business was took over man name Mamed Atir. Mamed is very good in business sense. He makes the business to become a franchise and great new addition of latest varieties and choice.
But the downside En.Mamed is very arrogant and scornful at critictism. He even sack, his law advisor on his corporate business activities because the law advisor disagreed with him.
Since Kedai Mali has grown to become Mali Food Corporation, it is a Multi-business entity with many employees.
Along 22years on running the business En.Mamed, has fired 3 of his General Managers.Some of them has become bitter enemies.
Troubles starts to grow 1 day, during one of the companies AGM, which En.Mamed decides to retire. He decided his assistant the GM En.Awie to take over.
En.Awie is kind-hearted, soft spoken and friendly person. When he took over, he found out that, during En.Mamed's tenure many cruel, deceitful and inside deals were made to finance and push the grown of the company.
En.Awie was not a agressive man. He was in dilemma which way to approach. Go back to ways of En.Raman or the way of En.Mamed. Being soft-spoken he was weak to announce the counter action to be taken.
This leads to his GM En.Mijaz, which took opportunity to threaten his position.
During the same time, En.Mamed old nemesis which was sack from Mali Food Corporation, En.Anor has return. Which he started the Sepakat Dining Corporation. He then partnered with Azim Halal Packaging, Peoples Fried Chicken and Action Pack N Freezing, which is also strong companies in their own to compete.
Now the Mali Corp which subsidiaries of Makan Chicken Shop, Maniam Curry Powder and Gerak Tepung Shop which these subsidiary are weak and poorly managed.
1st time in their business Mali Food Corp, were threaten in the business. Some of the franchise manager or store managers resort to sabotaging their competitor.
Due to world phenomena of petroluem increase and added with poor controls of the managers in the company which some of the managers swindel company assets and etc. The Mali Corp. run into cash flow problem.
Out of sudden, En.Awie declared they will have a competition with Sepakat Dining to see who are the best among the customers.
They run competition in 3weeks time and what is response and base on the 3 weeks sales, who are the best.
On that comes, results shown about 50% of Mali regular customers when to Sepakat franchise and gave good comment. Base on the data, most of the Chinese & Indian customer prefered the Sepakat foor and taste. Also see a rise their usual Malay customers went to Sepakat due to better services provided.
Mali Corp was shocked. They were suprised, how do they do so badly, when they expected to win easily. Now more and more partners, franchise holders and managers calling for En.Awie to step down for En.Mijaz.
But most of the customers also know En.Mijaz were not giving good services and he was rumour to ne involve of a Criminal case on one of the Branch store.
On the other side, En.Anor was getting popular for his stead style of making sure customer is satified.
Further worst case, due to short of cash Mali announces 0.70RM increase on all the curry gravy and powder sold. This turns their usual regular customer even more dissatified.
As the customers were grumbling hear and there, more and more problem happens, more and more lawsuits between these too companies.
But because a poorly manage companies and the weakness of not understanding the customer requirement. They throw the blame on their CEO and their competitor. But don't realize it is a open market which customer is free to chose.
Better service, reasonable price and prompt delivery will get the support from customers.
Instead poorly educated managers, it causes the customer to bear higher price in life for average teh tarik, curry and roti.
NOW the moral of the stories: Get your act together and maintain a clear & honest objective will get customer support.
Arrogant, scornful and weak decision will make customer unhappy.
Learn again and retrain the managers will be best immediate decision to improve.

Red hot Anwar sodomy case rumble Malaysia

i was shocked when i read the newspaper about Anwar sodomy case few days ago. I even thought that im reading the passed news which occured years ago, holycrap, it was in June 08. And this time accuser is 23 year-old lad Mohd Saiful, who reveals as a Aide of Anwar adminstry. The very first thing come to my mind is like, how could this happened again!? People who re-use the same accusation either an anoia or crazy in mind? After few days of speculation. We cant dismiss this is a conspiracy! And it's a conspiracy of Datuk Anwar himself. He sole purpose is staggering the goverment like hell while he vehemently wants the nation not to forget the infamous incident goverment had done on him a decade ago. Which is so call political avenge. As in the latest news today, Dr M is not surprised by allegations against Anwar. “He will have lots of stories. There is always conspiracy as far as he is concerned. I’m not surprised at all,” Dr Mahathir said in an interview. Sounds that the former premier had the whole notion about it while the emasculate government lead by their political foe. Anyhow, this is only some sort of speculation, only peoples who involve got the whole picture of the claim. As a citizen of the country, we are only expected a better living, and higher quality life in the country. It's not an easy affair for a person to topple the Government, although everyone is in total disappointment and dissatisfaction toward the infirm government as years ago. Petrol price hikes after the anouncement by our current premier Pak Lah about the country main income company will retreat from subsidize the surging petrol price. In the meantime, he tendance image was down to drain. God bless Pak Lah and Anwar! soon we will know who's the winner. We all involantary hope the latter will win for the tenuous belief the fuel price reduce.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

True Fitness Pavilion

Since is my free day today, rather than wandering at home for doing nothing, so i make up my mind to go to fitness workout for a while. Just join True fitness for bout a month, that place cant label s amazing, but definitely soothing, absurdly right.. lmao, but that's true. as true as true fitness, if compare to Fitness First and Carlifornia Fitness, True Fitness is a place for those people who enjoy less pack and concentrate on your body build. When i first got over their facility.. i was like.. whoa.. cool stuff, like those Virtue trainer Cardio machine. People around are nice, attentive and warm. Except one cons, the tiny lil steam room is real freak me out, anyway, today is the 1st time i got in the lil one after month visit the gym. Gosh, it was like in total frazzle nerve after the steammy thing! cant stand it.. it's real tired man!!!!!!! god bless i can go home and sleep afterward...

After all, is time for me hang out again, (it's time for my significant halfffff~) im doing the chore soon.. gosh.. yup.. danny, u r doom!!!