Monday, July 21, 2008

Down the Road

After years of relentlessly hanging in the sedentary working force, the route of oneself life path eventually comes to light, as an kopi oh Manager@Optician for years, i am the finest product of my company can be provided.. (grin) im being sort of exaggerate, the truth is, it's kind of high paid job compares with my peers. Somehow, it's just not even bit satisfy my Dream, try imagin- If you are working the same place in a hassle free, stress free, sendentary and practically not much advancement room can be exerted. Whereas, there is a place for you to exert every bit of yourself, climb the coorporate ladder, acchieve fame, success and else. Of course i choose the latter. Although it require constantly skill upgrade, bigger commitment, longer duration to achieve it, but deep down inside, the pay off is you cant simply judge it, depends on how the aggresiveness, initiative, and motivation to climb the ladder, accross the bumpy ride, wadethrough the swamp and pass the mount!

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