Sunday, February 21, 2010

If all you have is a hammer, everything will look like nail

Perhaps, this is the fourth times i spent my time in Starbucks borders, reading, blogging. It's indeed a great kickstart for 2010 CNY. The least i have invest my time in something good in myself, you know cny excessive cultures : excessive eating, excessive gambling till wee hour, and lead to, excessive sleep on day time.

It's a real bended new year for me, continuously contribute my saving to be fund to my peers in exchange of harsh irony, bear in mind this so call making fun session is really not a nice thing, instead to act like a crying baby, lets concentrate the energy into building the better me, read more to gain knowledge, exercise more for better physical as well as healthy lifestyle.

Being work in optical line for not less than 7 years, i've find a very good phrase as the title to describe my situation now, to avoid another 5 years down the road, lingering in the rat race society, i really did have to invest more time in myself, now the objective is to read more about real estate investment, financial planning, management related subjects, after these few days reading session, i reckon rather reading those motivational non fiction book, better spend effort read those financial technical study, can start with local author and robert kiyosaki.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Designing or Visualization?

4 in the morning, got a unexpected wake up call from Mamdooh, we arrange a time to catch today evening. Due to lack of sleeping hour last night, it's been a very long hour for me to pass the office session.

Very first time i meet Hamid, nephew of Mamdooh, who came to Malaysia for designing Mamdooh 700k condo located in Wangsa Maju. From the chatting, we sort of like stumble out a business opportunity, where Mamdooh likes him to stay in Malaysia to further his study specialist in designing, meanwhile, search for freelance to sustain living expenditure.

Once again i thought about real estate business, im in a position as an agent to assist both vendor and solicitor get to the deal, by utilize networking. It's definitely not an easy task, but the reward can be mesmerizing, satisfaction.

Worth mentioning, Suria mas condo, selling RM280k rental up to RM2.2k, which yield a high return whereby there's bunch of rich kids around for their college, as well as foreigner. Where there's high return in rental passive income, but it can be burdensome as i just have a job shift from a so call more comfort income.

Mentari court, sounds like a magic word to me now, the apartment which comes with good locations, transport friendly, massive stream of student or factory employees looking for shelter around that area, due to Panasonic, Western Digital as well as re-known Taylor college is setting up around there. And it's only selling for 135k which yield up to 1.2k passive income rental, i find it's pretty comfortable to me to invest before buying my first property.

Already arrange a viewing session sometime next week. Still excited on it now.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

CNY 2010 aka Valentines Day

2010 First day of lunar year, which is a valentines day, ironically this year i did not come out a so call romantic hang out or surprise present, i was still thinking we are alright if we didnt have any celebration, in fact, it's ok, somehow it's just a minor degree of weirdness that staying home instead of hanging dining at those crowded pricey restaurant. Frankly i used to cherish valentines day as appreciation toward a relationship that goes on for years, and things had changed ever since we celebrate valentines at Bangkok last year, and i felt that celebrate back in KL doesn't really trigger my initiative anymore, what a pity.

Alright, i need to eradicate those unhealthy thoughts, let those good element fill me back, like appreciation, surprise, thoughtfulness, joyous and love.. The most powerful element:)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Private cornering at Stacbuck borders

After 2 weeks of dull staying in mind blowing office, finally could make some time for country hide at borders, reading books, listening jazz music, at least can let me steal me a private moment. A line came to my mind from a podcast i heard last week, regarding the signal of stressing workload, sort of like emotions break down, frustrate, anger, and i found that's coming to me while in the office, have been a real chaos for the whole two weeks.

Well is a Chinese new year time, perhaps is a leaner wallet year to me ever since i promptly walk from the comfort zone i had for years, guess what, im hovering at the edge of making a choice soon for my life, things like buying a house, starting a business, where the water is low, but the plant getting older and older every day.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Brain Storming

First weekend of Feb 2010, a week to go is Lunar first day as well as Valentines day, guess what, due to newly join company, this CNY is not as "abundant" as i used to be, as far as i remember last year i was flashing my newly bought iphone to feed my so call ego. Things are going to change from this year ahead, rather than invest on to those alluring gadget, i really has to make up my mind to own my long crave house, looking for houses now, im finking of buy a low cost apartment for rental and buying a more spacious condo or maybe a landed house.. working it out now..

Come to back to career matter, where this blog is going to dig out the shit out of my head, there's few possibility germinating..

1 # Heard a story from a BFM podcast saying that the special relationship between pilot fish and the shark, this podcast is elaborating how to get more prospect, and begin a lens edging lab came out from my mind, CZV can provide at least 5k sales for the fledging lens business.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Transferring new system Insight to U8


There is only one word to describe the whole situation, CHAOS!

Sales team, Time had been sacrificed for helping out in office, handling customer complain, printing client authenticity card. There are pros and cons. Although there's a bunch of complains we have to face, but put it the other way, we can actually learn how to deal with harsh situation, and create bond with customer, end of the day, customers will definitely lose confident on ordering lens from CZV due the problem cause by system transfer. How to regain customer confident? Think of it.

For customer service

Suddenly an acronym comes to my mind, BMW (Bitching, Mourning, Whining)
There are shouting, yelling, and so on while over flow workload attacking them, and due to newly system transfer adjusting period, they are complete fledging on computer ordering.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sales Representative, or Sales Proffesional

29 Jan 2010, after 5 months joined Carl Zeiss Vision, i find there is actually a room to growth, range from climbing corporate ladder to byob, for the time being, im still in hovering at learning stage in this 5 months period. However, start from FEB 2010, there's gonna a difference of the way my thinking, action, habit and so on. From what i had observe, the king can best suit for sales manager and he can get advantage for GM position only if he can be speaker and strategy maker, otherwise will be still an executive. Ex King can climb such a PEAK of the line not solely rely on Optometry cert but the way he working his way up, Study a lot of book, see the way the giant see, still fresh in mind that what i have learn from him, unique selling proposition, market trend prediction, business analysis, and his communication pattern. There is a fine line between job scope of sales rep, and sale pro.

A very good instance i have seen by far, KAM W, he's still sales rep after 30 years in the line, where GM C can be so successful, there's always more than competence to achieve this, GM C was affiliate with AMO hence he got connection with other Big Player, this prove Malaysia is relation oriented country, but solely rely on relation is surefire to dead end route, so GM must back with abundant of knowledge where can acquire from everywhere, talking to prospect, reading a book, and i have uncover a new way, podcast, thats where i can get more in depth notion of Unique Selling Proposition. and Efficiency, tele calling, customer relation ship.