Sunday, February 7, 2010

Brain Storming

First weekend of Feb 2010, a week to go is Lunar first day as well as Valentines day, guess what, due to newly join company, this CNY is not as "abundant" as i used to be, as far as i remember last year i was flashing my newly bought iphone to feed my so call ego. Things are going to change from this year ahead, rather than invest on to those alluring gadget, i really has to make up my mind to own my long crave house, looking for houses now, im finking of buy a low cost apartment for rental and buying a more spacious condo or maybe a landed house.. working it out now..

Come to back to career matter, where this blog is going to dig out the shit out of my head, there's few possibility germinating..

1 # Heard a story from a BFM podcast saying that the special relationship between pilot fish and the shark, this podcast is elaborating how to get more prospect, and begin a lens edging lab came out from my mind, CZV can provide at least 5k sales for the fledging lens business.

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