Monday, February 1, 2010

Sales Representative, or Sales Proffesional

29 Jan 2010, after 5 months joined Carl Zeiss Vision, i find there is actually a room to growth, range from climbing corporate ladder to byob, for the time being, im still in hovering at learning stage in this 5 months period. However, start from FEB 2010, there's gonna a difference of the way my thinking, action, habit and so on. From what i had observe, the king can best suit for sales manager and he can get advantage for GM position only if he can be speaker and strategy maker, otherwise will be still an executive. Ex King can climb such a PEAK of the line not solely rely on Optometry cert but the way he working his way up, Study a lot of book, see the way the giant see, still fresh in mind that what i have learn from him, unique selling proposition, market trend prediction, business analysis, and his communication pattern. There is a fine line between job scope of sales rep, and sale pro.

A very good instance i have seen by far, KAM W, he's still sales rep after 30 years in the line, where GM C can be so successful, there's always more than competence to achieve this, GM C was affiliate with AMO hence he got connection with other Big Player, this prove Malaysia is relation oriented country, but solely rely on relation is surefire to dead end route, so GM must back with abundant of knowledge where can acquire from everywhere, talking to prospect, reading a book, and i have uncover a new way, podcast, thats where i can get more in depth notion of Unique Selling Proposition. and Efficiency, tele calling, customer relation ship.

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